Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just announced! John Jeremiah Sullivan to Take the "True Story!" Stage in December!

Hey! Isn't that John Jeremiah Sullivan, who wrote that incredible article that I emailed to everyone I know and some people I don't know?

A fierce fall and wicked winter approaches in True Storyland, folks. Our October 21st reading includes memoir'y-prose from Krista Derbecker, storytelling from raconteur Shannon McNeal (of Carapace, and well...Shannon McNeal fame,) and wordsmith'y prose from poet Jason Myers.

And then there's December--
--when, we're really downright psyched to announce: one of our favorite writers walking the streets of this nation today is traveling to Atlanta to take the "True Story!" stage: John Jeremiah Sullivan.

If you don't know Sullivan, here's a sampling of his work--just so you'll know to clear you calendar on Friday, Dec. 9th and get to Kavarna.

There's "Upon this Rock," his celebrated essay in GQ a few years back--about covering a Christian rock festival.

Recently, he wrote this piece for the New York Times about what happens when family, your stoner friend and the latter-day phenomenon known as "Disneying" collide.

More: A story about Gulfport, MS, just after Hurricane Katrina, and shorter pieces on Leonard Cohen and Kurt Cobain in the New York Magazine.

He recently won a Pushcart Prize for his essay "Mister Lytle," published in The Paris Review.

And, is this appropriate to say?, we've also see John read before, and it's incredibly worthwhile. Furthermore, we've also actually spent the past ten minutes arguing among ourselves about whether or not it's appropriate to add in the additional fact that he's a really swell dude.

So obviously, you have to be there, fool. We think John will be reading from his new book of collected essays, and you may be able to buy one that night.

Meanwhile, see ya in October. We can't wait.

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